日本財団 図書館


weather conditions.


(Aircraft Dispatcher Competence Test Certificate)
Article 171-(2). A person who has passed the competence test shall he granted an Aircraft Dispatcher Competence Test Certificate (Form No.29-2).


(Training School for Aircraft Dispatchers)
Article 171-(3). The provisions of Articles 50-(3) through 50-(7) (with the exception of Article 50-(5) paragraph 1) shall apply accordingly to a training school for aircraft dispatchers under the provisions of Article 29 paragraph 4 of the Law, which are applied accordingly to Article 78 paragraph 4 of the Law. In this case, "an Application for Designation of Training School for Airmen (Form No. 19-5)" in Article 50-(3) paragraph 1 shall he read as elan Application for Designation of Training School for aircraft Dispatchers (Form No.29-3)"; "an examination under Article 29 paragraph 1 of the Law (including when applied accordingly to Article 29-(2) paragraph 2 of the Law or Article 34 paragraph 3 of the Law)" in Article 50-(4) subparagraph 1, a) shall be read as "an examination under Article 29 paragraph 1 of the Law applied accordingly to Article 78 paragraph 4 of the Law"; and "designation under the preceding paragraph" in Article 50-(5) paragraph 2 shall he read as "designation as an training school for aircraft dispatchers".


(Aircraft approved for Take-off and Landing at Places other than an Aerodrome)
Article 172. Any aircraft as specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport in accordance with the provisions of Article 79 of the Law shall be a glider.


Article 172-(2). Any person who intends to obtain permission under the provisions of Article 79 of the Law shall submit to the Miaister of Transport an Application for Permission to Take~ff and Land at a Place other than an Aerodrome, describing the follo~ving items:
(1) Name and address;
(2) Type of aircraft, the nationality and registration mark of the aircraft;
(3) Date and place of take-off and landing (attaching a sketch of said place);
(4) Reason for said take-off or landing;
(5) Measures in place for the prevention of accidents;
(6) Surnmary of flight plan (indicating clearly the purpose, date and route of flight);
(7) Name and qualifications of pilot;
(8) Other referential matters.


(Prohibited Areas for Flight)
Article 173. The areas over which all aircraft are prohibited ftom flying in





